Importance of salam in islam
Salutation is an important issue. When we meet, we exchange greetings with each other. Greeting is not restricted to any particular person. Salutation means peace. It is only natural that everyone will wish for this peace.The younger will greet the elder, the younger the child, the parents, the children, the parents, the husband the wife, the wife the husband. In the case of salam. everyone is equal. Many of our children do not want to greet their parents and spouses, wives or siblings, which is absolutely unfair. Salutations are created through mutual love. Especially in many families, there is a reason for unnecessary quarrels between spouses. If they exchanged greetings with sincere hearts. Then it will be seen that the quarrel will be transformed into love. God wants a home to create an atmosphere of love. Remember, our children will learn what they see. So we have to keep calculating. Salute has a lot of importance. Hadith, narrated by Abu Hurairah, said, "You cannot enter Paradise unless you are a believer, that is, to be a believer." And without perfect love, you cannot be honest. Shall I tell you something by which you will love? Then, circulate among yourselves (more). (Muslim).
Violence and envy are eliminated by the salute. Salaam turns the enemy into a friend. By rooting out envy, sowing the seeds of love. The bond is the brotherhood. Our beloved Prophet saluted everyone, big and small. He immediately ordered the circulation of Salam at large. In Hazrat, the companions (ra) also saluted everyone, big and small. They have been very salute among themselves. Even after saluting once the tree was covered up, when crossing the tree, he would salute again. The importance of salutation is so great that whoever gives the salute first will be free from arrogance.
Salam. has great importance in Islam. We must utter the words of salaam in the face of greeting. It is not true that some people in the society exchange hands or shake hands. Completely excluded. But if the condition is that the person who is being saluted is far away, the voice of greeting cannot be reached to him, then by saying the words of Salam in his mouth and pointing his hand to him saying: Brother I salute you.


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