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Shabe Barat, The bounty of Shabe Barat

The word shabbe Barat is from Persian. shabbe means night and Barat means liberation. So the meaning of shabbe Barat. is the night of release. The Arabic of 'Shabe Barat' is 'Lilatul Barat', which is the quintessence of liberation. It is more commonly known as 'Shabe Barat' to many people of the Indian subcontinent, including Iran, Persian, Urdu, Bangla and Hindi.

The bounty of Shabe Barat

There is a hadith about Shabe Barat, narrated by Hazrat Mu'az ibn Jabal (ra), the Prophet Karim (pbuh) says, Allah Ta'ala sees the mercy of Makhluqat on the night of half Shaban and forgives all except the polytheists and the haters. (Sahih ibn Hibban)

Narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr, Rasulullah (pbuh) said that Allah forgives all the servants except the murderers and the innocent people who were killed in the night. (Musnad Ahmad ibn Humble

As narrated by Hazrat Abu Salaab, when the night of Sha'baan comes, Allah may look upon the mercy of Allah Almighty. Forgives the believers, gives the unbelievers a chance to return, and does not forgive the violent without the violence of the violent. (Kitabus Sunnah, Shu'bal Iman, 3rd volume)

 Narrated by Hazrat Ayesha (ra), the Prophet (peace be upon him) told him that Allah forgives the sinner more than the sheep (number of sheep) of Bani Kalb that night. (Tiramji Sharif.)
Shabe Barat
Shabe Barat
Source: Shab e barat - Description of 'Shab e barat' and the significance and Virtue of the Shab e barat - Islam Live 24

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